The Story of Creation

The Story of Creation

A brief look at how it all started

The Beginning

The creation story begins with God, Allah - His existences is timeless and beyond human comprehension. Unlike some other religious narratives, there is no detailed chronological account of creation days in Islam.

The Creation of the Universe

Allah created the universe in its entirety, including the heavens and the earth, stars, and galaxies. This creation is a deliberate act of God, brought into existence by His command.
Quran 36:82

’All it takes, when He wills something ˹to be˺, is simply to say to it: “Be!” And it is!’
Quran 36:82 ’All it takes, when He wills something ˹to be˺, is simply to say to it: “Be!” And it is!’

The Creation of Angels and Jinn

Before the creation of humans, angels were created from light. They are beings without free will, created to serve and obey God.
In contrast, the Jinn were created from smokeless fire and, like humans, were granted free will. The Jinn live in a parallel world to humans, with their societies and laws, but they are subject to the same divine judgment based on their deeds and obedience to God.

The Creation of Humans

The first human, Adam, was created from clay. God breathed life into Adam and granted him knowledge. Unlike angels, humans were given free will. After, Hawwa (Eve) was created from Adam, establishing the companionship and lineage of humankind.
Quran 51:49

’And We created pairs of all things [1] so perhaps you would be mindful.’

[1] For example, male and female, sweet and bitter, day and night, plains and mountains, heat and cold, light and darkness.
Quran 51:49 ’And We created pairs of all things [1] so perhaps you would be mindful.’ [1] For example, male and female, sweet and bitter, day and night, plains and mountains, heat and cold, light and darkness.

The Garden and the Test

Adam and Hawwa (Eve) resided in a garden, free to enjoy all but one tree's fruit. Deceived by Iblis (Satan), they succumbed to temptation, eating from the tree and setting the stage for their earthly journey as part of God's plan.

The Purpose of Our Creation

In Islam, the primary purpose of human and universal creation is to worship God alone, recognizing humans as His vicegerents on Earth, tasked with living according to divine guidance.
Quran 51:56

’And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.’
Quran 51:56 ’And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.’
Story of Iblis (The Devil)