Iblis, originally among the jinn, was renowned for his devotion. However, upon the creation of Adam, a significant event unfolded. Allah commanded all the angels to prostrate before Adam in acknowledgment of his special status. Iblis refused, overcome by pride, claiming his creation from fire made him superior to Adam, made from clay. This act of defiance marked the beginning of his fall from grace.
As punishment for his arrogance and disobedience, Iblis was expelled from the divine realm. Yet, he was granted respite until the Day of Judgment, during which he vowed to mislead humans from the path of righteousness. Allah's response to this challenge is captured in the Quran:
Quran 15:42
"Indeed, My servants, no authority will you have over them, except those who follow you of the deviators."
This narrative underscores the lessons of humility and obedience in Islam, contrasting human frailty against Iblis's prideful rebellion. It also serves as a continuous reminder for Muslims to seek protection in Allah from the deceptions of Iblis and to remain committed to the path of truth and righteousness.