Who is God (Allah)?

Who is God (Allah)?

The Creator
Quran 112:1-4 Say, “He is Allah, the One. Allah, the Eternal. He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is none comparable to Him.”

Understanding God (Allah)

Islam centres around a powerful declaration: "There is no god but Allah." [La illah ila Allah]
But who is Allah, and what does it mean to believe in Him? For Muslims, knowing and understanding Allah is the foundation of their faith and the cornerstone of a meaningful life.

Tawhid: The Oneness of Allah

Muslims believe in the absolute oneness of Allah, a concept known as Tawhid. He is the sole Creator, Ruler, and Sustainer of the universe. There is nothing comparable to Him, and attributing partners or deities alongside Him is considered a grave sin in Islam.
Islam teaches that everyone is born with fitrah, a natural predisposition that recognises the oneness of God.

Beyond Human Understanding

Allah is transcendent, meaning He is unlike anything we can imagine. He is not bound by our physical limitations nor can we depict Him in images or human forms. Muslims attempt to grasp His essence through His beautiful names and attributes revealed in the Quran.

The Most Merciful, The Most Compassionate

Among Allah's most prominent attributes are His boundless mercy and compassion. He is known as Ar-Rahman (The Most Merciful) and Ar-Rahim (The Most Compassionate). Muslims believe that His mercy extends to all of creation, a source of peace and solace for believers.

Allah's Relationship with Creation

  • The Creator: From the tiniest particles to the vastness of the cosmos, everything in existence comes from Allah. Through His infinite knowledge and power, He brought the universe into being and continues to sustain it.
  • The Guide: Throughout history, Allah has sent prophets and messengers to guide humanity. This guidance culminates in the final revelation, the Qur'an, a comprehensive manual for life.
  • The Judge: Ultimately, Allah holds all beings accountable for their actions. True justice will be rendered on the Day of Judgment.
  • The Responder: Allah hears and answers the prayers and supplications of those who call upon Him with sincerity. It is through prayer and remembrance that Muslims feel the greatest closeness to their Lord.

How to Know Allah

The Quran is the primary source of knowledge about Allah. In its verses, we discover His nature, His will, and His relationship to His creation. Studying and reflecting on this word brings one closer to Him. Additionally, Muslims develop their connection with Allah through:
  • Acts of Worship: The five daily prayers, fasting, charity, supplication and other forms of worship are ways of expressing love, gratitude, and submission to Allah.
  • Contemplation: In the intricate beauty and order of the world around us, Muslims see proof of Allah's wisdom and power. Reflection on His creation deepens our understandings.
The authentic prophetic teachings are another key source we can learn about Allah.

Embracing Faith

Believing in Allah, the one true God brings a sense of purpose, hope, and resilience in the face of challenges and gratitude at times of ease and comfort. The more we strive to understand Allah, the stronger our faith becomes, leading us to better ourselves and make a positive difference in the world.
Allah’s Names and Attributes